Wednesday, July 12, 2006

My Time With Kallai & Esther

James & I visited Kallai Poon this afternoon at the hospital. It was a most encouraging and moving moment for me. Despite the pain and difficulties faced, there was such joy in Kallai & Esther's lives.

Today, I truly understand the difference between joy and happiness. Joy is so much deeper. It really does not depend on circumstances. Happiness, on the other hand, is much shallower and transient. I covet for more joy in my life. I need this joy to sustain me. I must fight the joy suckers in my life relentlessly.

I had seen how Kallai matured so much in his life over the past years. He was once a difficult person who got offended so easily. He had since developed so much depth. He kept telling me about having the love of God in his heart and how that had met his every need (and it wasn't a textbook asnwer that he was giving us). He also kept mentioning about how he wanted to use this hospitalisation opportunity to encourage those who are weaker in the faith. He also shared about how this event had caused him to re-evaluate the priorities of his life.

Thanks Kallai and Esther for being my source of encouragement this week. I can truly see His reality through your eyes...


Blogger yeu@nn said...

Hey dear bro, (hah, somehow i feel like calling u bro rather than Ps... it sounds... more friendly? :) but hey, you're really like a brother to me, and to many others i think. really!)

Really very heart-warmed by your sharing. Somehow when I read ur blog entries, esp the more reflective ones, somehow i guess can feel with what you're sharing. Think it's the way u share - more personal, more heartfelt.

Thanks so much for sharing your heart, bro - somehow it's a privilege to be able to take a peek into your heart, to sense with you the depth of convictions and passion tt God's pouring out from you...

Yup, yup... :P oops maybe tis comment a bit too mushy liao. haha... but thanks Ps Jeff again! Really want to learn from your spirit and capture as much as I can from your entries... so may your blog entries be fruitful and increase in number... (but don't crash the blog server liao. i also use it leh.) ;)


July 18, 2006 12:59 am  
Blogger Jeff Chong said...

hey bro... good to hear from you. Its my hope that we can learn from one another in our journey with Him. You are valued!

July 18, 2006 1:07 am  

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