Combined Adults Service (31 October 2008)
On this coming Friday (31 October), the adults will be having a special service at the Singapore Post Centre.
It will be a great time for us to come together for worship and hear the timely word that God wants to deposit into our hearts during this turbulent time.
It will also be totally wonderful to invite our friends, colleagues and relatives along as well. They will certainly be blessed to know that there is Someone greater than themselves that is in control!
Do pray and come prepared for a refreshing and renewing time.
It will be a great time for us to come together for worship and hear the timely word that God wants to deposit into our hearts during this turbulent time.
It will also be totally wonderful to invite our friends, colleagues and relatives along as well. They will certainly be blessed to know that there is Someone greater than themselves that is in control!
Do pray and come prepared for a refreshing and renewing time.