I really enjoy being with our Filipino group. They are such loving, sincere and open-hearted people. It is so evident to me that many of them are madly in love with Jesus. It is such a joy to serve with people like that.
Esther, the camp OIC, told me that they had to move from YMCA in 2005 to YWCA for this time round because YMCA simply could not contain the growing number of campers. She also told me that they are already on the look out for a much bigger and fresher venue for 2007! This is forward planning with great faith.
Among the many highlights in the camp, I would like to share a few that touched me deeply.
I was very inspired by the Filipino band. A couple of months ago, it was only a keyboardist and a drummer. The rest of the band (bassist, electric guitarist & acoustic guitarist) have to be imported from other congregations to fill the gaping holes. Today, they have a full band; and a very good one too. The singers and worship leaders sang beautifully and they were able to lead the whole group into a deep recognition of God’s presence.
In almost every country that I visited, Filipino bands are everywhere. They have this ‘gift’ of singing and playing music. May God add to our band in even greater measure to make music unto Him!
During the camp, 40 people also got drenched for God through water baptism. This is really exciting!
Some of the Filipino groups from our overseas Hope churches are also requesting for training and the sharing of what God has been doing in our Filipino group. God is certainly calling us to make an even greater global impact. We are connecting what we do in our local context to the global work that God is doing in every nation.
Thank you all for the partnership in our local and global venture for Jesus. God loves you and so do I.
Below are some photos from the camp...

Pastor Christie giving out prizes

All in the family!

Super-hero kids getting in the act

Some of the key leaders (Gina-standing, Tess & Rowena-sitting L to R)

Those who dunked!

One that is happy to be dunked!!