Thursday, March 08, 2007

How To Celebrate Unto God?

As I was praying the other day, I was reminded of the many leadership lessons that I had taught and covered after having been in our church for the past 15 years. I was thinking of how I can maximize these lessons for the Kingdom. If I do nothing with them, they will be wasted or at best, not be fully used for His purpose.

So what I set to do is to place some of these lessons on the blog. In this way, it will reach more people. It will reach more people in Singapore and even overseas. And my prayer is that these lessons will firstly be learnt, practiced and then passed on to others. In this way, we hope to bless more people.

The lessons may not be in the full text but I hope that it would still be of help. It is not our usual Worship Service expository style; here I try to gather different elements of celebration from the text.

So here’s the first one…

Text: 2 Chronicles 30

Title: How To Celebrate Unto God?

As leaders, one of the important things that we need to do is to celebrate with our teams. Celebration is a big thing that is often overlooked and under-utilized. As believers, we of all people, have the greatest reason to celebrate.

And when we reached our set goals and achieved our targets, we have to celebrate. We cannot not do anything about it. There is indeed cause for celebration when we achieve great things in the Kingdom.

I know of groups that celebrate regularly when they reach certain set achievements. And when they celebrate well (as compared to a not so good celebration), they were strengthened and this would in turn give them encouragement to take the next hill and face the next challenge. It is a wonderful cycle to have.

1) Invite All That Are Involved To The Celebration (v1)

We need to get all that are involved to come for the celebration. Do our very best to ensure that no one is overlooked. All who played any part are to be invited.

Supporting Verses: Nehemiah 12:27-28, Exodus 10:9, Exodus 12:47

2) Make The Celebration Details Known Beforehand (v2)

We cannot afford to play be ear for such situations. The reason is that we want to be as inclusive as we possibly can. No one should miss out due to the lack or poor communication.

Supporting Verses: Numbers 9:2-3, Exodus 23:14

3) Celebrate Unto The Lord (v1, v5-v9)

As believers, we should have the God-element in all celebration; especially when it is celebration pertaining to the progress of the Kingdom cause.

It is a good time for the leaders to help in re-focusing on God’s goodness and vision. We just cannot remind people enough of God’s love and God’s vision. Using celebration to do so is both a natural and creative way.

Supporting Verse: Exodus 23:14

4) Celebrate To The Fullest Measure (v21)

In celebration, we need to do it fully according to the culture and ways that are befitting to the people. If we only do it half-heartedly, it could leave a sense of incompleteness and even a dissatisfied after-taste.

Being believers who eternities are sealed and glorious, we should have the greatest reason to celebrate.

Supporting Verse: Nehemiah 8:12

5) Use The Celebration To Strengthen The People (v22)

Wise leaders will wisely use the opportunity to strengthen and to encourage the people. I have never seen people who are over-encouraged but I have seen tons that are discouraged.

Wise leaders will also use the celebration of God’s goodness and faithfulness as a platform to reach higher heights.

Supporting Verses: Psalm 145:7, Exodus 12:17

6) Leaders Have To Give Sacrificially For The Celebration (v24)

In celebration, the leaders must contribute things that mean something to them. This reveals their heartfelt appreciation to the people that they are leading.

For example, those who are rich could give better treat at restaurants while those that are not as well off could give the best that they can afford.

Supporting Verses: Luke 15:22-24, John 3:16

So let's all do better in this department of our leadership!


Blogger yeu@nn said...

Wow, that's really very refreshing! Pls post more of these teachings online... =) tk God for you Ps Jeff!

March 08, 2007 6:13 pm  
Blogger eyeport said...

wow...very practical teachings! i wonder how many people will be visiting here regularly everyday from now on...hahaha

March 08, 2007 11:10 pm  
Blogger Jeff Chong said...

Just hope that it would be of help. Do use them in your ministry and pass it on to others too. 2 Tim 2:2

March 09, 2007 5:45 pm  

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