Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Serving Others

As I have challenged during the services, I served some people around me this week. I did my best to meet their needs.

For my family, I spent some quality time talking to my dad. I could tell that my dad was really happy for the meaningful time that I had with him. We spoke about his health, his daily routine, his time with his friends and his food intake. When I said that it was great that we could spend some time talking, he readily agreed that it was indeed very nice to have spent time like that together.

I was also more intentional to connect with some of my colleagues. I took the time to help one of my colleagues in her work. I hope to be able to give her some very useful practical advice soon. I have purposely set aside time to think about her work.

I have also intentionally challenged one of my good friends towards growth. I sensed that he needed a push to get him up to the next level of play in the Kingdom. During our talk, I could literally see him grow when challenged to do better and more for His Kingdom. It was very strengthening to my own spirit as well.

Then during night, a home visitation gave me the opportunity to strengthen a long time comrade in our church. It was most rewarding to me to be able to serve the needs and play a small part in the refreshment in the person’s life.

As I had preached on the weekend, I believed these verses to the core of my being. As I go about serving God’s people, God will take good care of me!

Deuteronomy 15:10-11
Give generously to him and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the LORD your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to. There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land.

Have you served anyone's needs this week?


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