For the Family camp, Wan Leng updated me that there would be close to 160 Adults. This is a really high number. It is around 76% of the worship service attendance people. Well done!
Pastor Johanes is the keynote speaker on the theme of prayer. We are praying and working towards being the kind of people Jesus wants us to be and doing the kind of things Jesus wants us to do.
Please pray with us as the Family group aims to reach more than 230 people by August in our worship services. Do really pray along with us!
Claudia and I will be leaving for the Adults Camp on next Wednesday. I am very looking forward to it. I look forward to spending time with the people. I am also anticipating great things from the Holy Spirit during the teaching and Praise & Worship sessions. Around 77% of our Service attendance will be there at the camp!
Pastor Simon Eng, the Vice-President of our Movement, will be taking some of the teaching sessions as well! I am praying that God will really impact us in a big big way at Shah Alam, Selangor.
I will update us with more camp info as I attend and hear more ground reports.
Meanwhile, can I ask you to take 30 seconds now to just pray for all these life-transforming camps? Pray also for me that I will be able to minister life and strength as I speak in 3 of the camps. Many thanks in advance.