Friday, August 18, 2006


3000 is a number that had been ruminating in my head and heart for the past few weeks. As a church, we have really been working and praying hard towards breaking the 3000 mark in our service attendance. What Peter did in a day (Acts 2:41), we are working hard to do it by our 15th Anniversary! I once comforted myself by saying that the bible stated that about 3000 were added. So it could well be 2900 and we were there already! But Christie, our Filipino Pastor, reminded me that it was very possible that they only count the men in those days. With friends like that, who needs enemies :(

Anyhow, it is never about numbers. Behind every number is a face and behind every face is a name and behind every name is a life that matters to Jesus. That is why we are so hard up about numbers because beneath the figures are lives that matter for all eternity.

We are now stabilising at around 2940 for the past two weeks. All our plans have already been set up with the pastoral groups. Some groups need to focus on retention and star-bursting. Some need to focus on being more outreaching. Some are focusing on having a stronger leadership base to reach higher heights. Some leaders are focusing on sounding a clarion call so that the followers will know that we really mean business. What we need is perseverance, will and the faith to push it till we cross the finishing line.

Some of us need to be asking ourselves, "who am I discipling?" We are called to be disciples who make disciples. Some of us need to reach out our hands to those who are far from Christ at this moment. We can invite them to many appropriate events in our group and personal activities. Some of us need to spend an even greater amount of time on our knees of intercession.

With more people in the Kingdom, there will be greater momentum. With greater momentum, the world will be redeemed at a faster rate.

Let's all push together across the finishing line. Let's reach for 3000 before our Anniversary Celebration on the 16th September.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

alright 3000 members instead! 6000 quality!

August 20, 2006 6:40 pm  
Blogger Paul said...

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August 20, 2006 6:41 pm  
Blogger EMs said...

Dear Ps Jeff, great blog u have! Enjoy your genuineness and openness... You're extremely gifted and anointed as God's servant, it oozes out of you. Thanks for giving your life and setting it as an example for us.. I always appreciate you & your wife a lot. God bless...

August 20, 2006 9:59 pm  
Blogger Jeff Chong said...

Hey Emma... love your blog. I will be reading it. You are even more gifted and anointed as well. We appreciate your creativity and leadership in the Kingdom greatly

August 20, 2006 10:57 pm  

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