Thursday, February 01, 2007

Thanksgiving Dinner

Last night, we took the congregational leaders out for a dinner. Claudia and I had wanted to take the opportunity to simply express out heartfelt gratefulness and appreciation for their hardwork over the past year.

These are some of the people that Claudia and I prayed for regularly. These are some of the people that we think the world of. Our role is to help them be the best that God has made them to be. Our role is to help them be successful in all areas of their lives.

We invited the leaders and their kids to come. With children, things were definitely a lot more lively, noisy and unpredictable. And it was fun.

We ate and talked and laughed as we shared stories of our lives, childhood and other experiences. It was a very meaningful time for me as I got to hear many stories about our lives.

The truth is that we do not get to do this often as we are always living in a time crunch. To build deep and meaningful relationship, time is needed. There is just no way that we can microwave deep relationship.

This is the same as our relationship with God as well. There is just no way to develop a deep and strong relationship with God without taking the time to do so. It has to be intentional.

We ended our evening by sharing our success stories in the bunker of ministry in 2006. I was so totally inspired by what God had been doing in and through their lives.

Thank you Jesus for these peopleā€¦

Hong Teck & Mag

All In The Family! (James Is Down With Fever)

Auntie Shirley & May Ann

Wan Leng & Mabel


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