Jones The Grocer
It carries many wonderful looking types of food ranging from ice-cream to raw beef to coffee & tea to all types of vinegar to desserts.
It even has a special cheese room. Enter at your own risk…. the cheese smell is really strong!
So recently, I stepped in for a sample. This happens to be a very Aussie type of eating place. LO would certainly love it!
We ordered some type of special rocket salad served with wagyu beef. We also ordered another salad made of some kind of special organic cheese with balsamic vinegar plus some walnut stuff. Let me tell you this…. I hate them all!
It was cold and it tasted very unusual. The wagyu beef were raw! It is just not my type of food.
The other two orders that I was more willing to eat were some orange and duck ham (I am not kidding you!) and some sausage thingy.
Please don’t misunderstand me. I am not some kind of China Ah Pek that eats only Chinese food. I do eat food of all nationalities. After all, I want to be a global Christian! But these food that I ordered need some getting used to.
However, there is a sliver lining among the dark clouds. The mocha was really good. In fact, it was one of the best that I have ever tried. I did not eat any dessert but I would certainly eat them the next time I visit this place.
In fact, I will only go for the dessert and coffee the next time I am there.
They served home made white chocolate rocky road, brownie, apple crumble, some pistachio dessert and even whole pieces of harden chocolate fudge!
Enjoy… but it would only be the desserts and coffee for me...