Monday, July 31, 2006

A Short Note From Prague

Arrived in Prague on Sunday morning. It was really warm here. Both Claudia and I are both so exhausted from the traveling.

We had a great time in the Sunday service. It was so different from how we had ours in Singapore. Again, God is a God of varieties. A week ago, it was so different in South Africa and then it was back to the ever so familiar one in Singapore. Then yesterday was yet another version of God's grace in a European form.

After the service, we all went for a walk in the woods. I heard that they walked a total of 7-9km last week. I was a bit apprehensive as I was really tired. Memory of the night march in army flashed back...

We walked around 3km in the woods. It was indeed tiring but it was enjoyable. I spoke to the people and learnt quite a bit of the Czech history and mindset. I was also very much encouraged by their love for God and their desire to build a big strong church.

Claudia and I are excited to learn more as we will be spending more time with other European Hope people and leaders from all over the world! Looking forward to sharing my learning...

Friday, July 28, 2006

Life & Death Of Dreams

We all have dreams; especially those of us who give our lives fully to the Kingdom.

Just like Joseph, our dreams will go through certain cycles. If your dream is from God and for God and if you hang on to it, it will come to pass. But God's primary concern is not so much on the dream as it is on the person who receives the dream (i.e. the dreamer).

I have found this article to be so useful and so true. Rick Warren has done a great job in making this teaching so clear, simple and practical. It has really helped me a great deal. Somehow, I feel in my heart that this would help many of you who may be reading this too. May it add much courage to you as it had done for me.

Since our God is so BIG, dream BIG for Him. Let's really make an impact in our world!

How God builds you while you are building your ministry
by Rick Warren

Did you know that God uses a very predictable process to build your character? I call this process the "Six Phases of Faith." If you don’t understand this process, you’ll get discouraged when problems arise. You’ll wonder, "Why is this happening to me?" But if you understand and cooperate with what God is doing in your ministry, your faith - like a muscle that is stretched - will develop great strength.

Phase 1: A dream
God gives you a dream – an idea, goal, or ambition. Every great accomplishment first begins as a God-given dream in someone’s mind. "God is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of - infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes.” (Eph. 3:20 LB)

Phase 2: A decision
A dream is worthless until you decide to do something about it. For every 10 dreamers, there’s only one decision-maker. This is the moment of truth where you decide to invest your time, money, energy, and reputation and to let go of security. If you want to walk on water - you must get out of the boat! "You must believe and not doubt … a double-minded man is unstable in all he does.” (James 1:6, 8 GN)

Phase 3: A delay
There is always a time lapse before your dream becomes reality. God uses this waiting period to teach us to trust him. Remember, a delay is not a denial. Maturity is understanding the difference between "no” and "not yet.” God says, “These things I plan won’t happen right away. Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, do not despair, for these things will surely come to pass. Just be patient! They will not be overdue a single day!” (Hab. 2:3 LB)

Phase 4: A difficulty
Now the problems start popping up. The two most common types: critics and circumstances. Don’t worry. It’s all a part of God’s plan. “At the present you may be temporarily harassed by all kinds of trials. This is no accident – it happens to prove your faith, which is infinitely more valuable than gold.” (1 Peter 1:6-7 Ph)

Phase 5: A dead end!
Your situation will deteriorate from difficult to impossible. You are backed into a corner, you reach the end of your rope; it looks hopeless. Congratulations! You are on the edge of a miracle. Trust God. “At that time we were completely overwhelmed … in fact we told ourselves that this was the end. Yet we now believe we had this sense of impending disaster so that we might learn to trust, not in ourselves but in God who can raise the dead.” (2 Cor. 1:8-9 Ph)

Phase 6: A deliverance
God provides a supernatural answer. Miraculously, things fall into place! God loves to turn crucifixions into resurrections so you can see his greatness. “I expect the Lord to deliver me once again so I will see his goodness to me ….” (Ps. 27:13)

Thursday, July 27, 2006

You Cannot Outgive God...

I am really amazed with God. Yesterday, I got to know that a particular person had a financial need. Claudia and I decided to bless this person with a certain amount of money. We care for and love this person and thus we want to be a blessing. Like we have always said, "We are blessed to be a blessing".

In fact, I was quite excited to give as I took my lunch hour to drive to a mall (I usually do not travel under the hot Singapore afternoon sun for lunch). I went for lunch as well as to the Automatic Teller Machine to get the cash. Claudia and I were both really happy to give to this person.

Then on that particular evening, we were pleasantly surprised when we were given a brand new DVD player of the latest model. It costs double of what we give to the person. The DVD player has the whole works (which most of them I will never know how to use).

Don't get me wrong; we did not give to get. That's not true giving. We simply give to bless but we just cannot outgive God!

God blesses us when we give out of a pure motive. God may bless us in a material way or otherwise. In fact, the joy of being able to give is a reward by itself.

To reap, we must first sow!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Business Life Dinner At Prime Cafe

We had a great Business Life Ministry (BLM) dinner last night. The food was wonderful. The fellowship was even better. The purpose of the meeting was best!

After dinner, Chandra (our BLM leader) reminded us of how far we have come since we started in November 2004. He shared about some of the lessons and talks that we have had from various people in various businesses. Some of the people that had given talks in our meeting are the COO of a large retail line, the GM of a hotel and also an owner of a food chain.

Then we get to hear stories of how the recent Hope Regional Business meeting in Johor Bahru had blessed our team in Singapore. I followed (in my daze after the South Africa trip) by envisioning the people of the importance and potential of our group in the overall redemption plan of God.

Then we get to sit around tables to just dream together on what we want to see happening in future meeting.

Despite my tiredness, I was really blessed by what God is doing in this ministry. Chandra and his team had done such excellently. Wan Leng had been such a strong support too.

One of our leaders once shared that it is time for the believers to regain the arena of the financial and business world back to Jesus. We need to rule and reign in this arena. I could only say AMEN to that. We are praying and helping and nurturing a whole group of resource-rich and influence-rich people for the Kingdom. May this tribe increase as the Kingdom wins at every front. May God give more among us the ability to make money for His purpose.

If you seriously considering the possibility of starting a business or is already involved in a business, please check out the bulletin for the upcoming meeting on the 22 August.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

More Photos From South Africa...Soweto

I am posting this before knocking off for some rest. I need to prepare for tonight's Business Life Meeting. The last time I slept properly was last Friday... really tired now...

On the way to the famous Soweto

A Bird's Eye view of Soweto

The infamous Hector Petersen's photo that started it all. It grabbed the world's attention on the issue of Apartheid in South Africa. The guide told me that the photographer that took this shot was hunted down and he was very fortunate to get away with it. God's hand was obviously in this deal!

The history of the Hector Petersen's museum. Click on it for a better read... (it is a must read for all)

Some Photos From South Africa

The Guys At The Zulunyala Game Resort (visiting the group there)

Shanty Town Where We Minsiter In

The Worship In The 4x6 Place...

Henry & his Peugeot 307 (he drove a total of 1290km to and back from Joburg to the game lodge)

Hope of God Joburg Sunday Morning Live!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Great Trip...

I will be leaving Johannesburg in around 6 hours time. The trip had been most frutiful in every aspect.

With regards to the church, the objectives were clearly achieved. The spirit of the locals were raised to take ownership of our African church. The slogan has been "Africans for Africa". Jo and I can also see a strong team of local leaders rising up to take a greater role at the helm of leadership. Thank God for moving in the hearts of His people.

I also had the honor of visiting a church service in a shanty town consisting of people who work in a safari game resort. The meeting place was no larger than 4m by 6m. There were no ventilation and there were more than 25 people in the meeting. They were praising God with all their might (and it was really loud!). I was also given the task to share the Word in that meeting. Henry translated to Zulu for me. It was nothing like how we do it in Singapore. God is indeed a God of varieties and of the different nations. Two came to know Jesus and many responded to reaching out to their shanty town for the Lord. It was an awesome experience that I will take with me in my heart to the grave.

Our Hope Sunday service back in the city had also seen 4 first timer. Although it was a tremendously cold morning, the fellowship was really warm. One of our better-to-do member even bought stuff using his own money to create income for those in the church that were unemployed. This is Body Life at its very best. This is the gospel preached in the most practical form.

Yesterday afternoon, I had the most wonderful time when Ezekiel brought me to visit Soweto. It is such a historic place as it is the birthplace of the uprising against Aparthied in 1976. We visited the place where Mandela used to live. We also visited the Hector Pieterson's museum. It was such an enriching experience. I had been fascinated with this whole uprising since the days when I studied "Cry The Beloved Country" in my literature class. To be in Soweto, absorbing the sight and sound of it all was a great thing for me. I must really thank Ezekiel and Jo was arranging the whole thing.

Will be heading to the airport soon...

Thursday, July 20, 2006

A Note From Johannesburg

Taking some time to just pen a note from South Africa. I needed some time to adjust to the time difference here (it is 6 hours behind Singapore). I am doing much better this morning.

The church here is doing just fine. Jo & Kris had done a great job in pastoring our people. I must also say that my mission here is pretty much on track. The local leaders are raring to go and they are totally behind the idea that Africans would be the best people to lead the African church. I shared this idea on numerous occasions in my meetings with various people.

Posted is the picture of our DMM meeting.

We will be leaving in the wee hours of tomorrow morning heading towards Durban (at least 5 hours drive). We have a group of no less than 30 people in 3 spots. God is using Johanes (not Ps Jo but another Johannes) to open up many doors there.

Will post more news as we move along. Keep the church here in prayer (do it now!)

By the way, the average temperature is around 8-10 degree in the night. It is not as cold as I had thought.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

As Promised...

I promise Mason that I will post his works on my blog once it goes live. Mason is a great guy that is really good at taking photos. If you are interested to see more of his work, you can connect with him at He has many great works kept at the "whatever" (the place where you can showcase your photos online)

Steven Yeoh praised me for the photo of the Singapore Skyline when he first visited this blog. He thought that the really beautiful photo was taken by me. Unfortunately, I am consistent in all my (dis)abilities in all sorts of artistics expressions ranging from playing any form of musical instruments to singing to dancing to painting to drawing to taking photos...

So here's some of Mason's work for you...


Monday, July 17, 2006

Leaving For South Africa

After coming home from work, I had to discipline myself to go for a short run. I had to be fit and alive for the next few days as I make my way to visit our church in Johannesburg. I really do look forward to meeting Jo, Kris and especially Alesha. I look forward to spending time with them. (that's Alesha & me a few years ago)

There are also some important missions that I need to accomplish. We need to be empowering the local leaders to rise up and take up even more responsiblities in the church. We need to be training and praying for God's anointing to be upon them. At the end of the day, it would still be the best for Africans to lead Africans.

Jo has pre-warned me of the unforgiving weather at this time of the year. It is close to 0 degree when the night falls. A couple of years ago when I was there at the camp, we were staying in a camp site situated in a valley. I vivdly recalled staying in a room that felt more like a fridge. I finally understood how frozen pork must have felt.

I am often (almost always) sent to camps during the winter period. When I was in Norway, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa in the past, it was always for the winter camp. I do like cool weather but this could be a bit too much at time :)

Anyhow, time to go to the freezer again in a few hours time. Amidst the cold, I do really look forward to meeting our people there. May the fire of the Holy Spirit keep me focused and warm for the next 7 days...

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Hope Business Life Meeting In JB

Just came back after a wonderful time in the conference. It was most enriching to me. I was totally strengthened by the testimonies shared by our Thai conterparts. They shared about how God has blessed their businesses abundantly and how they had contributed to the Kingdom business in return. A business owner that had 7 shops of 4 stories each also shared her business vision to work alongside the church to do more for the Kingdom.

One former senator shared about how his wife and him came to know Jesus. He ended his part by singing an Elvis Presley song!

I also had a great time with the Singapore team. Chandra had done a fantastic job in leading his team. We ate, we laugh and we work together on our presentation. It was most fun to me. I am also really thankful to Wan Leng for leading the logistic side of the conference.

On reflection, I wished more of our business people and senior executives could have been there. The next one will be held in Bangkok in Januray 2007. We will certainly get more of our people to be there. God's Business is indeed my business!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

University Alpha Camp

I had just returned from the alpha camp at the all too familiar place at Cranwell Road beside the Commando Camp.

The gang were having a great time throughout the whole day in the sun. It was no wonder that most of them were a bit jaded when I arrived...

My role was simply to give a 30-minute talk about temptation. It was a rather interesting topic as I tried to show how the evil one had been consistent in his plot through the ages. Since the days of the Garden of Eden, his plot had been the same. If there is one thing that I admire of the the devil, it is the fact that he is consistent in his plot...consistently evil.

We also learnt about the armour of God which helps us to fight the temptaion. It was a great time as we made simple and very practical application straight from the Word. My own talk had encouraged myself as well.

Till date, there are altogether 8 persons that crossed the line of faith since a month ago when we launched our alpha program. This is pretty good for us as we only really reaped after August in our past programs for our freshmen.

I also enjoyed having the time to chat a little bit more with Clara & Ben while at the camp.

I should have gotten some photos from the alpha camp for this posting...

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

My Time With Kallai & Esther

James & I visited Kallai Poon this afternoon at the hospital. It was a most encouraging and moving moment for me. Despite the pain and difficulties faced, there was such joy in Kallai & Esther's lives.

Today, I truly understand the difference between joy and happiness. Joy is so much deeper. It really does not depend on circumstances. Happiness, on the other hand, is much shallower and transient. I covet for more joy in my life. I need this joy to sustain me. I must fight the joy suckers in my life relentlessly.

I had seen how Kallai matured so much in his life over the past years. He was once a difficult person who got offended so easily. He had since developed so much depth. He kept telling me about having the love of God in his heart and how that had met his every need (and it wasn't a textbook asnwer that he was giving us). He also kept mentioning about how he wanted to use this hospitalisation opportunity to encourage those who are weaker in the faith. He also shared about how this event had caused him to re-evaluate the priorities of his life.

Thanks Kallai and Esther for being my source of encouragement this week. I can truly see His reality through your eyes...

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Introducing... my better half...

Before I move on... I want to introduce my better half. Claudia, my wife, has helped me greatly in my life. She has certainly spurred me on to higher heights in numerous aspects in my life. I am eternally thankful to her...

She's quite a looker too. But the best thing about her is that she has got great taste in great guys...

Oh... by the way, Claudia is the one on the left... just in case...

A Most Unusal Saturday

It was a very unusual Saturday. For the first service, I was really moved in my heart to heat up the value of outreach. Shirley asked if I was agitated. I guessed I was in both good and and bad ways.

In a bad way that I was rather impatient (again!) with the way things are done (forgive me God). To reach beyond 1000, I know how certain things and certain ways that we have to take. I believe that my facts were absolutely right but keeping my spirit right is the challenging part for me.

It was good in the sense that it was what was needed to be shared with passion. It should propel the groups forward towards God's best for us all.

For the second service, I did not plan to do the same as I did in the first preaching. I had just wanted to complete my scripted work and no more. But part way through the talk, I felt that it was a waste of time if I did not communicate the core message that was placed in my heart. I stopped at the first point (think its a first for me to stop part way through my sermon) and gave the challenge to reach out. I ended there and then as I saw it pointless to go through the motion. I saw it as a leadership move rather than just going through the "business as usual" route.

For the third service, the preaching went as per scripted. I felt heaven's smile upon me as I shared his heart to the people with clarity and conviction. I must say that the Spirit was clearly with me

It was a most unusual Saturday... 3 different routes for 3 different preachings using 1 same script. Anyway, I want to learn to live on the edge in flowing with God's thoughts.

Tomorrow is yet another challenging day coming up. I wonder how long can I last in this regime. I really don't know and honestly, I don't really care. As long as God is with me, I guess I should be just fine.

Friday, July 07, 2006

With Some Friends In Melaka...

These are some of my friends... doesn't it appear like I have a halo around my head? I am that holy!!

I cherish friendship. Will upload more of these pictures soon...

Thursday, July 06, 2006

About A Boy Name JT...

Finally, I managed to connect with JT on msn. He seemed unusally happy. I can sense joy oozing out through his msn. He was sharing with me about his playing in the indoor stadium, his playing for Reinhard Bonnke and so on.... it was like a verbal diarrhea...

On one hand, I was really happy that he is moving on with God after leaving Hope. It is obvious (at least from what I can sense) that he is doig better in Him and for Him.

But on the other hand, I am sad because it is like having one of my spiritual sons taken from me. I was there when he came to our church as a Secondary School student. I was there when he first picked up guitar. I was there to encourage him to use his musical gift for God.

I was really torned on the inside... The head says, "yeah God... more is being done for your Kingdom!" The heart says, "no... we should have done this together!"

Time only will heal...