Wednesday, October 31, 2007

When The Game Is Over, It All Goes Back In The Box

I remembered the first time I heard John Ortberg taught. It was many years ago in Chicago. I was totally amazed at his insight, his humor and humility that he carried in presenting God’s Word.

Since then, I had been eagerly reading his book. One of my fave books in “Love beyond Reasons”. I had read the book at least 4 times!

Recently, John wrote another book entitled “When The Game Is Over, It All Goes Back In The Box” It is a book that challenges us to re-look at life through the lens of eternity. I am amazed at the many insights that the book gave. It really causes some geological plates in my life to be permanently shifted.

As usual, Ortberg peppered down to earth jokes in the midst of sharing these insights. I would recommend this book highly to those of us who lived fast paced life. We really need to slow down and re-look at our lives again.

This book has caused me to stop at many junctures in order to reflect on the challenging ideas that have been posed before me. I totally agree that a good book is often one that causes the need to stop in order to do some self reflection and then make certain practical resolutions.

Do check out his website at as well.

There are many good stuff in there. He and his wife Nancy did a video session about Challenges Of Ministry With Your Mate. It was painfully honest and enlightening at the same time. It is a must see for couples in ministries!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Plan to watch Man United's away game to Dynamo Kiev before heading to the airport.

Will be away on a short holiday for a week... Meanwhile, stick close to Him!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Munchy Donut

Some time ago, my sister told me about a certain donut shop in the City Hall area. She told me that people were queuing for up to 30 minutes in order to satisfy their cravings.

Although I am a sweet tooth person, I had never ventured much into donuts. Donuts, as the American movie had portrayed, are policeman food.

Since that fateful day, others have also told me about the donut shop near our office. The store is located along Tanjong Katong Road. It had been made known to me as the best donut shop in Singapore. The name of the shop is call Munchy Donut.

So during Monday's lunch, James and I decided to drive there to check it out. Wow! It is really good. It may not be the healthiest and it surely taste good!

I bought a box of 6 for $S6.50. I am not sure of the market rate but it seems rather reasonable to me. Check out the Choz O’ Cream and Oreo flavored one. They are really yummy.

There are some other stores around the island. For more information, check out their website at

Happy munching!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Hospital Visitation Of Another Kind

On Thursday, I visited two persons in Singapore General Hospital. Firstly, Claudia and I visited her aunt. She just had an operation and she was recovering well. We brought some grapes and simply chat with her and talk to her about her recovery.

After spending around 30 minutes with Claudia’s aunt, we went to another block in the hospital to visit my aunt (my mum’s sister). She had some growth in her intestine and she too, just got out from an operation.

When I first saw my aunt lying on her bed, she looked really sick. She had tubes coming out and going into her! Her children (my cousins) were around her. She was sitting in an almost upright position in her bed.

I walked over to my aunt to let her know that I was there. As I was really near here, she called me “Sandy”. Sandy is the name of another male cousin that is around 10 to 15 years my senior.

It was then that I thought the worst of things. To not be able to even recognize your close ones is a sign that things are not too well. I was really worried as I turned to look at my cousins. They stared back at me blankly!

Again I approached my aunt and once again she called me Sandy. I was really worried as I looked at my aunt with really compassionate eyes. I did not know how to respond to her.

It was at this moment that she leaned slightly towards me and said, “I know that you are Jeff lah. I was just pulling your leg...” Then she began to smile and tried really hard to contain her laughter with those tubes around her.

I did not know to laugh or to cry! I had wanted to laugh because my aunt really pulled a fast one on me. It got me big time! I had also wanted to cry because she really put me through some serious emotion roller coaster ride. I feared the worst and now it was all a prank!

I prayed for her before leaving some 30 mintues later.

I really enjoy this aunt of mine. She is one of the funniest persons I know. By the way, she is around 70 years old already! I wish I can have her sense of humor even when I am that sick.

Love you Auntie Maureen! You’re beyond cool!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

God Is Looking For Holy People To Use

Below is an article that spoke to me greatly. I was speaking in the Fil service last Sunday on being the type of person that God will use. How timely is it for me to read this article!

I want to be used by God and I need to be holy... May we all grow into His likeness.

God is looking for holy people to use
by Rick Warren

God is looking for people he can use – those he can bless and honor in great ways. And he’s looking to use people who want to be holy.

When you, as a leader, want to be holy, you’ll see God. Hebrews 12:14 (TLB) says, “Try to stay out of all quarrels, and seek to live a clean and holy life, for one who is not holy will not see the Lord.”

That’s what we want as Christian leaders – to see the Lord and then help others see the Lord. As a Christian leader, there’s no greater way to be used. And we’ve got to be holy to do that.

What does it mean to be holy? Psalm 24:3-5 (TLB) says, “Who may ascend to the hill of the Lord and who may stand in his holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart who does not lift up his soul unto an idol nor swear by what is false. He will receive the blessing from the Lord and vindication from God his savior.”

In this passage we find four characteristics of holy people:

1. You’ve got to have clean hands. “Clean hands” simply means a clear conscience. Does that mean we’re perfect? No. None of us is perfect. But we can keep short accounts with God. 1 John 1:9 (TLB) says, “But if we confess our sins to him, he can be depended on to forgive us and to cleanse us from every wrong.” So when we sin, we just say, “God, I was wrong. I confess it.” There is no power without a clear conscience.

2. We need a pure heart. We need to lead with pure motives. God can do tremendous things through people who don’t care who gets the credit. In our private moments, we need to be saying, “God, examine my heart, clear out the dross, and make my motives pure before you.” Jeremiah 48:10 (KJV) says, “Cursed be he who does the work of the Lord deceitfully.” We can’t lead with mixed motives.

3. We must remain humble. Psalm 24 says that a holy person “does not lift up his soul unto an idol.” We are our own most dangerous idols. When we’re prideful, we’re making ourselves into idols; we’re putting ourselves before God. Pride goes before destruction. There is no sin God judges faster than the sin of pride. The Bible says, “Before honor is humility” (Prov. 18:12).

4. We must be honest. The psalm also says that the person who doesn’t “swear by what is false” will receive the blessing from the Lord. To be holy, we’ve got to be honest. Even broader than that, as leaders we’ve got to watch what we say. Psalms 39:1 (NIV) says, “I will watch my ways and keep my tongue from sin; I will put a muzzle on my mouth as long as the wicked are in my presence.”

I’ve needed a muzzle on my mouth many times! We must watch our words. You lose spiritual power by talkativeness. It’s like a steam engine. If a steam engine is always letting off steam through the whistle, it builds up no power and it has nothing to move with. But if it stores up that steam, when it lets it loose it moves an engine. We need to ask, “God, where do I need to watch my words? Do I tend to share angry words or sarcastic words or put-downs?” If so, you’ll need to muzzle your mouth.

If we want to be the kind of leader that God uses, then we’ve got to have a clear conscience and pure motives, remain humble, and watch our lips. Do that and you’ll be pursuing holiness.

And God uses holy people.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Dinner With The Fil Group At Liverpool

Talk about a birthday celebration that never end.

The Fil group leadership team took Claudia and I out for dinner at the Turf Club. I enjoyed the time greatly. It was most heartwarming to hear the stories of their lives and ministries. I sincerely wish we have more time as such.

The sea food is pretty good as well. It was in this resaurant called Owen Seafood Restaurant. It is obvious that the owner is a Liverpol fan. The name (Michael Owen) and the logo of the shop simply have too much resembalance to the club. Nonetheless, the food was good and the fellowship was even better.

Thank you people!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Withdrawal Syndrome

A few nights ago while I was reading the bible, something from Luke 5:15-16 hit me right between my eyes.

I was reading through Luke 5 as I was preparing for the Filipino sermon for Sunday. Below is what is recorded in chapter 5 verses 15 & 16.

Luke 5:15-16
Yet the news about him (Jesus) spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.

The above passage took place on the backdrop of Jesus healing someone with leprosy. Because of Jesus teaching and healing of the sick, crowds began to be drawn to him.

However, Jesus was not overwhelmed by the attention and fame. He did not begin to oriented his life around the crowd but he chose to be even more connected to God. He did not play to the crowd but he played to the drumbeat of God.

My guess is that Jesus knew that his source of strength came from his communion with His heavenly Father. Jesus understood that in order to minister to the needs of the people more effectively, he needed to be ministered by His Father first.

I also think that Jesus needed to get away from the cries of crowd long enough in order to hear the whispers of God.

As I reflected upon my own life, this is one withdrawal syndrome that I can do with. This is one withdrawal syndrome that I need to have on a consistent basis.

Withdrawal is a time when we draw strength from the ultimate Source!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Indo Got Talent

Below is a clip that I just received. It is from the Indo Fiesta. Those of you who can under Bahasa Indonesia would probably enjoy it more.

This is basically a skit entitled "Indo Got Talent". It is to bring up the theme of having "Unity In Diversity" The many different types of talents and gifting, when placed together, can produce a much greater and better production.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Sleeping - The Art Of Entrusting

Recently, I read an article about the mystery of sleeping. The author wrote that the ability to go to sleep is somewhat of a mystery that God gives to. It can be futile to try too hard to obtain sleep.

This spoke to me as for a couple of years, I used to have quite a lot of challenge in getting to sleep. I remembered setting goal that I must fall asleep within the next 20, 30 minutes but it did not work.

I also recalled how I believe God know that I am an activistic person and the only time that He can get my attention is probably at night. In my old room where I could see the stars at night, I termed it as a camp trip with God out in the open night. It was great but the only question I had was why was God dating me for camping trips on such regularity?!

I had envied some of my friends who told me that they can go to sleep almost instantly. Some even told me that they can sleep anywhere (like in a sitting position, like using two chairs as bed etc). I marveled at how sleep comes so easily for these folks.

Many people had also recommended remedies to help me sleep better. There were special tea (with some drugs in it), kiwi fruit, hot milk, honey drink, showers, drinking wine and not drink wine etc. Recently, I got a gift in the form of a special kind of fragment spray and it was rather helpful too.

Thanks be to God; since shifted to this new place, there were only 3-4 sleepless nights from the past 3-4 months. As I do a stock take, there are a few factors.

Firstly, we bought a much better mattress than the old hand-me-down one that we had. This one is much better and firmer. I do not wake up with tired shoulders like in the past. Thank God for Sealy! Sealy is the brand of the new mattress. It also helps Claudia greatly as she has back problem.

Secondly, the new ceiling fan is much cooler than the old floor fan.

Thirdly, the present place is much quieter than the old one. You can hear a pin-drop in the present room.

Mostly, I have learnt the secret of entrusting things to God even more. In the context of Psalm 127:1-2, God is saying that He will grant sleep when we understand that it is He that is building His World. God is in control.

I had yet to meet any child that had insomnia!

Psalm 127:1-2
1 Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain.
2 In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat— for he grants sleep to those he loves.

So a couple of nights ago when I was in bed getting ready to sleep, I intentionally prayed to God about some stuff that were in my heart and reminded myself that He is in charge and I am now handling over this issue to Him as I go to sleep. Lo and behold, I was out almost instantly!

So at the end of the day, it is more than just about getting to sleep. It is really about learning to entrust our stuff to God because He truly cares and He is able. Simple truth that is easier said than lived out!

Sleep tight people ZZzzz...

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Thank You Connie

Claudia and I first knew Connie when she was leading Hope Taipei. She was well-known for her determination and single-mindedness.

Around 3-4 years ago, her husband got a posting to Singapore for his job and the whole family was then moved to our little island state. Taipei loss was indeed our gain!

For the past years, Connie had contributed greatly to our Mandarin ministry. She led the worship ministry as well as led a growing Adults group. Under her leadership, many aspects of the church prospered and matured.

During this period of time, I also had the privilege of connecting so much more with her family. Personally, I had the indescribable joy of meeting up with Leo (Connie’s husband) in various settings. I even got him to speak to some of the pastoral leadership groups and the business group as well.

As God would have it, Leo has now got a posting to work in Hong Kong, China. Because of that, the whole family had to pack and leave again. This time, Singapore’s loss is Hong Kong’s gain.

It was with a sense of both sadness and joy that we said thank you and good bye to Connie. We are sad as we will surely miss her “can-do” spirit and strong armor-bearing heart. We are happy because we know that God will surely use her to greater measure in another land. You cannot keep a good man (woman) down!

The Mandarin team and us took the time to have a sumptuous dinner on Sunday night. It was a long dinner. We even huddled up together outside the restaurant at around 11pm to pray for the church and for Connie. I took them that this was probably the most spiritual dinner that I have had in my life.

When I reached home last night, a myriad of emotions came over me. I thought about the wonder of the church and how God brought such different and unique people together. I thought about individuals that I had heart links with. I thought about both the joy and challenges of ministry.

Thank you Connie for enriching my life. I am eternally grateful to God for allowing our life paths to cross.


Connie & James

Andrew, Sau Hoi & Connie

Alvin & Yumin

The whole gang

Monday, October 08, 2007

Indo Fiesta

Yin San had asked me months ago to be there for the Indo Fiesta Service and I had been looking forward to it. Indo Fiesta is basically a time for the each of Indo group to present their cooking and performing talent. The theme is “Unity In Diversity”.

Having known my spiritual gift, I was asked to be one of the judges for the food competition. The food was really tasty. They were very creative in bringing out the theme through the presentation and preparation.

I sampled all the food while Yin San wolfed down the food. I had to remind her that as judges, our role is to give marks for the food and not simply to fill her hunger.

Throughout the performance and service, one of the things that kept recurring into my heart is how un-self-conscious and bold the Indos were when it came to expressing themselves. They were singing and dancing and laughing in their own natural element.

Although I could only understand very minimal Bahasa Indonesia, I was tickled pink by their extremely visual expressions.

I am waiting to get a video clip of some of the performance which I hope to show to us all.

Meanwhile, enjoy the following still-life for now.

An obvious female creation!

This is really nice

Monsieur & Madam Butterfly

The Ark Workers

The Crazy Bunch

Notice me?!?

Praise and the chu-chu-train!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Boy-Girl Relationship Seminar

Here’s another space for you to ask questions or simply to give comments on the new expanded framework.

Do be kind (not destructive or vulgar) with your questions or comments. We will do our best to compile your questions and answer them in appropriate settings.

If possible, please state your name and the group that you are from such that we are able to profile the concerns and comments according to the people groups in our church community. This will help us to serve you even better.

We value your comments and inputs greatly.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Haato… follow your heart

It’s been a while since I introduce any new eating place.

There are a few branches of Haato in Singapore. It serves good gelato and reasonably priced Japanese food. I had visited the branch at Liang Court before.

However this time, I went to this very nice branch tucked away in some secluded and quiet corner in Singapore. It is near Mount Sinai (off Holland Road). The place is very relaxing and I like it very much.

I believe the branch was set up to lure the Japanese community who lived in that area. There is a condo beside the eating place and it is names Himiko Court. You cannot get more Japanese in your targeting and marketing than that!

I tried the Green Tea with Red Bean Flavor and Durian Gelato on Waffle and it was good. Claudia ordered the Unagi Pasta while I preferred the Japanese Chicken Curry.

I was supposed to take the photo of my dish before eating but I was too hungry. It was only half way through that I remembered to snap the photo. We did not manage to take any photo of the gelato and waffle because...

Below is the ad for Haato and the map. Try it out and let us know your experience.

For the hungry pack, Haato @ Ridgewood serves food ranging from Japanese pasta and Japanese don.

For sweet delights, enjoy an affogato or waffles with gelato. So drop by this quaint cafe at Ridgewood Close (off Pandan Valley Condominium and Ridgewood Condominium) for a quiet afternoon and some savoury food.

(And not to forget the gelato of course!)

5 Ridgewood Close

Unagi Pasta

Half-Eaten Jap Curry Chicken